VIKALP Scythe Kit
The scythe package that is now available in India is the result of collaboration between VIKALP in India and ScytheWorks of Canada. The snaths and all needed accessories are being produced by VIKALP in India ( The blades are being imported from the Falci company of Italy. We’re continually evaluating our product for the best performance in the field and making improvements as we go along. In 2019, VIKALP scythe kits have reached a standard that we have full confidence in sharing with the rest of the Global South.
The local production of the snaths and accessories in India started soon after the well-received scythe demonstrations in the spring of 2016. The Eastern-European type of one-grip snath works well with the cradle, since it offers a good horizontal balance control. We chose the two-piece Scythe Works snath design as it is much easier and cheaper to ship shorter parts in the package.
The cradle ribs are made by craftsmen in Assam, where a goodquality of cane wood grows in abundance. The cloth is a part of the cradle design offered in India. Soon, the cradle will be offered pre-assembled for the ease of first time use.
When we were deciding which peening technique to introduce (free-hand peening or peening jig), the feedback we got was that free-hand peening would be much more difficult to introduce on a large scale, when the idea of the scythe itself is totally new in the region. The peening jigs are made locally on CNC machines.
The VIKALP team is working on a number of innovations – tools and techniques providing farmers with beneficial alternatives for their tasks throughout the year. This will significantly improve the livelihoods of small farmers in India and beyond.